The view from Ersta hotel

Ersta hotel

Stay in a historical setting but with today's amenities.

In 1896 the so-called Great Diaconist House was completed. By that time, deaconesses and students stayed, lived and worked in the house. Today we use the house for conference and hotel rooms and fascinates our guests with the feeling of moving back in history while at the same time all modern conveniences are available.

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Contact Ersta hotel


Telephone +46 (0)8 714 63 41 

Postal address:
PO Box 4619
SE-116 91 Stockholm

Visiting address:
Erstagatan 1K
Stockholm, Sodermalm

Check-in time
Weekdays 14.00-19.00
Weekends 14.00-16.00

Weekdays 07.00 - 10.00
Weekends 07.00 - 10.00

Find Ersta hotel

Stay and meet at a quiet oasis with one of Stockholm's best views!


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